Marc Glickman

Marc Glickman, FSA, CLTC

Founder, BuddyIns
Los Angeles, CA

Marc Glickman, FSA, CLTC is the founder of BuddyIns, a community of long-term care planning experts. BuddyIns partners with agents, advisors, and LTC specialists by providing marketing technology to help them attract more clients and close more sales. Marc's mission is to help families across the country get an LTC plan and support the 44 million caregivers in the United States.

Marc has a degree in Economics from Yale University. He has over a decade of experience as an LTCi Actuary with a specialty in investment portfolio management. In addition to marketing and technology, Marc is an expert in LTCi plan design and sales. He has trained thousands of LTC agents across the country by helping National Guardian Life launch their LTCi product. Marc is a licensed insurance agent in 50 states.

Marc hosts a free monthly training webinar series for agents across the country to share insurance marketing and sales ideas. He will also tell you on this call about the new large scale consumer webinar series he is launching on behalf of agents across the country. Marc hosts a weekly video interview series that is broadcast on Linkedin to over 30,000 financial professionals and another 30,000 subscribers.

Marc lives in Southern California with his wife, Sharada, and two kids, Sam (age 5) and Maya (age 3). Sharada is also an Actuary and CFO of BuddyIns. Sam and Maya are actuaries-in-training.

Marc can be reached via email by phone at 818.264.5464.


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