CLTC®: A Designation For Long-Term Success
As you guide your clients through financial preparedness, it is critical to understand that their needs extend well beyond asset accumulation, income distribution, and estate planning. Today, you also require knowledge of long-term care and what decisions must be made well before that care is needed.
The Certification in Long-Term Care (CLTC) designation was created in 1999. The area of long-term care is primarily focused on the tools of providing care over a prolonged period of time.
A professional with a CLTC designation has acquired the critical tools necessary to discuss the subject of longevity and its acute consequences on a client's family – financially, physically and emotionally – years down the road. The best way to protect families from the potential devastation of long-term care is not to sell a product, but rather, offer advice that leads to a plan to mitigate those consequences.
The CLTC designation has been recognized and supported by The American College, NAIFA and major insurance carriers.
To view The CLTC Code of Professional Responsibility, click here.
How Will You Begin the Extended Care Planning Conversation
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